Windows Facing Windows Review.

an open journal of poetry

Twenty Six Reasons to Live

Evan Martinez

Fear is the idea that after a certain age you’ll never have an original thought.

Around twenty-five, give or take some rising
& falling, human brains brace themselves
for the long haul. Hope finds a groove to rest,
desire flits then settles in folds,
forlorn beacons light the way
to a face only ever seen in reverse.

Fear is a contagion with blisters on its gums and limbs in its hands, unspeakable.

There was a man who tried to drink himself to death
but all he got was more life to trudge through.
His wife succumbed to grief and his son left
& when he woke in the morning,
lips chapped from neglect,
he was no longer capable of thirst.

Fear is bridges and arteries and other things that collapse.

A body carries life itself. The word is miracle.
The journey is the destination is the cliche
is the way it feels to burrow
& sigh relief at the
thnk of gorgeous treasure,
Existence in your palms.